Project Steering Committee

The Project Steering Committee (PSC), established on March 5th 2013, as documented in the Aide Memoire agreed with the Government on April 2013, is headed by the Permanent Secretary (PS) for the FMWR and ensures the oversight of the project. The PSC:

(i) reviews and approves the Annual Work Program and Budget prepared by the PMU,

(ii) evaluates the PMU’s results and gives orientation for sound project implementation,

(iii) provides   policy advice and carries out monitoring of operations, and

(iv) approves updates of the project’s various manuals.

The PSC comprises all the PS from various Ministries and key institutions at State level (Commissioners for Water and Agriculture of each corresponding State) as well    as representatives for key stakeholders. These are inter alia: Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET), Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv), Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), NGO representatives, etc.